







Which is better for baking chiffon cake, an electric oven or a gas oven?


Ovens play a crucial role in baking chiffon cakes! In our classes, we use electric ovens and you can also bake fluffy chiffon cakes at home with them. The advantage of electric ovens is that they produce a moist texture as they are less likely to dry out the cake. However, maintaining a constant temperature might be a bit challenging.

On the other hand, gas ovens emit stronger, more direct heat, which makes it easier to achieve a crisp texture and a nicely browned surface. But, they can cause the cake to dry out more quickly, so careful attention is needed. The choice really depends on your texture preference: whether you like it moist or crispy. Try both and see which one you prefer.

Before baking, it’s advisable to check the oven temperature and how the heat circulates to start in the best possible condition. Knowing the peculiarities of your oven can greatly reduce the chances of failure. So, go ahead and bake a delicious chiffon cake, and enjoy the delightful time of pastry making!